Overbury, and the hamlet of Conderton, are on the borders of Worcestershire and Gloucestershire on the southern slopes of Bredon Hill in the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Beauty. This vibrant parish is near Tewkesbury, Pershore, Evesham and Cheltenham - 8 minutes from Junction 9 on the M5.  The village has good internet & transport links. For GPS/Sat Nav use GL20 7NT. Use What-3-Words for places as Post Codes don’t work well.

Village Events

Summer Maypole Dancing

Church Services (then click on calendar)
Also on the diary dates

St. Faith’s AGM, Wednesday 12th February 7pm – Village Hall

COCO AGM, Monday 17th February 7pm – Old Village Shop

Street Market Planning Meeting, Wednesday 19th February 7:30pm – Village Hall

NGS Open Gardens Overbury Court, Sunday 6th April

Village Open Gardens, Saturday 14th June